• US trademark registration
  • China Trademark Registration
  • Other countries
  • Other businesses
  • FAQs
Contact Us

US trademarkPackage and Process

Handled by Experienced Trademark Attorneys,trademark registration is fast and simple

  • Basic Package
  • Standard Package
  • Deluxe Package

Basic Package

$290 USD +government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring

Standard Package

$480 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.

Deluxe Package

$598 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • We will give priority to solving all your problems
  • Lawyers study, draft and file any legal arguments that may need to overcome major USPTO office litigation, and make appropriate office action response
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free

US trademark registration process

It takes only 5 simple steps to register your trademark.

step 01

Submit a questionnaire to us, provide the trademark name that needs to be registered and the products you operate, and send it to our mailbox.

step 02

After receiving your email, we need 24-48 working hours to carry out accurate retrieval and query, and feedback the retrieval results.

step 03

We sign a cooperation agreement with you, and you pay the application fee.

step 04

We submit the application to USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), and then issue a serial number to you within 7 working days, authorizing you to use the trademark with the "TM" symbol.

step 05

The total time required for the USPTO to approve a trademark application is 10-12 months. Afterwards, you are issued a certificate of registration that allows you to use the mark with the "TM" symbol, showing that you have the most broadly protected registered mark in all 50 states.

China trademarkregistration package and process

The professional attorneys will submit your trademark application in China and go through all necessary formalities

  • Basic Package
  • Standard Package
  • Deluxe Package

Basic Package

$190 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring

Standard Package

$339 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free.

Deluxe Package

$479 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free.
  • We will give priority to solving all your problems.
  • Trademark design.
  • If your first logo is rejected and you don't want to register a different logo again, you can choose to return 289 dollars

China trademark registration process

It takes only 4 simple steps to register your trademark.

step 01

Search trademark database.

step 02

Information required for trademark application.

step 03

Pay the fee and submit the application.

step 04

Time Flow of Trademark
Office Examination.

Trademark number within 3 days

15-30 days with receipt of acceptance

2-3 months to enter the preliminary examination announcement or rejected

Enter the 3-month publicity period

Registration Success Notice

E-cert within one month


If no one questions your trademark, we will complete the registration in 4-6 months. For more details please consult our email: gj-timj@maihui.com.

Other popular countries/regions

Effectively protect intellectual property rights and realize economic value

EU Trademark Registration

The registration is valid for 10 years and enjoys the common protection of 27 countries.

Madrid Trademark Registration

As of April 6, 2022, Madrid has 112 member states and can apply for protection in up to 128 countries

African Intellectual Property Organization

The term of validity is 10 years, and the renewal term is 10 years. It enjoys the protection of 17 African member states.

Singapore Trademark Registration

Global Bank, Southeast Asia Trade and Logistics Center

African Industrial Property Organization

The term of validity is 10 years, and the renewal term is 10 years. It enjoys the protection of 20 African member states.

Japanese trademark registration

Countries favored by daily chemical electronics and e-commerce sellers

Korean trademark registration

Daily chemical products and clothing products are popular.

German trademark registration

As one of the four largest economies in Europe, German products also enjoy a high reputation in the world.

UK Trademark Registration

In countries that once influenced the world, trademark registration is highly open and review is quick.

Start Trademark Registration

Our other businesses

A wide coverage of international service business, professional and reliable

  • International patent

    Filing agency of the Patent Office, fast handling, 1 on 1 service.

    Contact us
  • International trademark

    Rich trademark resources in 233 countries/regions and 5 international alliances

    Contact us
  • International copyright

    Fast copyright declaration to prevent others from imitating works with malicious

    Contact us
  • Overseas company

    Support global company registration and learn about local policies and preferences

    Contact us
  • VAT registration

    One stop service for global VAT registration, quick registration.

    Contact us
  • International grievance

    Professional team, focusing on handling various international grievance.

    Contact us

Trademark Registration FAQs

If you have any questions about trademark registration, you can leave an email below and you will get professional answers.

1.What is a trademark and why do I need it?

A trademark protects specific, unique name, logo, and symbols pertaining to your products or business brand.

Trademark protection may apply to business names, symbols, logos, sounds, and even colors that are emblematic of one specific brand. Once registered, a registrant can typically start using the ® symbol after the name, logo or slogan.

When you register your trademark, you get strong nationwide protection, and the right to file a federal lawsuit against anyone who copies it.

2.Who can qualify for trademark registration?

Any person that claims to be a proprietor of a mark or is proposing to own the idea can apply for trademark registration. The application should clearly state the trademark, the services or goods, the address and name of the application and the period of use of the mark with a signature.

3.Why do I need to perform a trademark search?

Once you have a product or service and think you have a name for it, how do you know you can use it as your own? What happens if you unintentionally use a registered trademark name?

Too many people use a name without knowing whether or not they have the legal right to do so. They organize massive marketing campaigns with names they later find they’re not allowed to use. Performing a trademark search before deciding which trademark to register is a wise thing to do, especially when you consider future risks of litigation.

It is a good idea to carry out some research before starting to do business with a trademark. It may not be in your best interest to use a mark if another company is already actively conducting business in the same class. The other company may object to you using the trademark and legally prohibit you from doing so.

4.What is the time frame for the trademark registration approval?

The average time frame for the trademark registration approval in the U.S. is 6 to 10 months, if no objections or oppositions arise.

The USPTO will review your application within a few months, and then either send an Office action with questions or concerns, or approve your trademark for publication. If published and there are no objections by the public within 30 days, your mark is officially registered.

If you're not yet using your mark in commerce, it can take longer. After making it through the previous steps, the USPTO will grant a Notice of Allowance—which says they'll register your mark once you provide proof of use in commerce through a Statement of Use. Once that's submitted and approved, your mark is officially registered.

5.Is the trademark universal?

The trademark is not universal.

If only a Chinese trademark is registered, it can only enjoy the exclusive right of trademark in China. The registered trademark applied for at home cannot be used abroad, and the exclusive right of trademark registration has regional protection. Where a natural person, legal person or other organization, in the course of production and business operation, needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for its goods or services, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration. An application for registration of a malicious trademark not intended for use shall be rejected.

6.Can the trademark be changed after application?

It is possible to amend an application, but the process and the associated fees generally depend on the timing of the changes. Changes before the trademark has been published in the Official Gazette can be made by logging into your Trademark Engine account and requesting that a change be made. Additional fees to Trademark Engine and filing fees to the USPTO may apply.

Changes once the trademark has been published in the Official Gazette generally require a Post-Publication Amendment, which Trademark Engine can assist with.

Depending on the scope of the amendment, an applicant may need to file a new application instead. For example, amendments that broaden the scope of a description or add international categories may require additional fees and may require a new application. Clerical errors, on the other hand, are generally easy to fix and typically won’t affect the applicant’s place in line or require a new application.

7.What should I know before applying for a trademark in the United States?

Since the USPTO is a federal institution, a registered trademark in the USA grants protection in all 50 member states, as well as the American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico. However, a registered U.S. trademark does not prevent third parties from being able to register the trademark in Puerto Rico. For this reason, if you are planning of enforcing your trademark rights in that territory, it is advisable to also file a local application there.

As the USA is a member country of the Madrid system, trademark protection in this country can also be obtained by applying for an extension of a local trademark registered in another Madrid system member country, through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). A trademark registered or filed in the USA can also be used as a basis to request its extension to other jurisdictions in the system.

The USA is a "first-to-use" jurisdictions, which means that the rights to a trademark are granted to the person or entity that first uses it in the territory of the USA. While this leads some to question whether they have to register their trademark, it is still highly advisable as it grants presumption of ownership, and is also necessary in case legal actions for trademark infringement need to be undertaken.

Registered trademarks in the USA offer protection only for the trademark exactly as filed. Therefore, if your trademark contains both words and figurative elements, it is advisable to file separate applications for the wordmark on the one hand and the logo on the other hand, in order to achieve optimal protection.

In the USA, when filing a logo application is it necessary to decide whether or not to claim the colors of the trademark. While this does not affect the costs of registration, it has an impact on the scope of protection granted by the trademark registration.

8.What are the requirements for trademark registration in the United States?

In order to file a trademark application in the USA, in addition to the trademark name, logo, classes and owner details, it is necessary to choose a filing basis between actual use, intent to use, and foreign registration. The USPTO requires a trademark to be in use in the USA in order to register it, which is why choosing the filing basis for a US trademark is very important as it will affect the registration process.

The documentation to be provided depends on the filing basis; for "intent to use" no documentation will be required at the time of the application, while in the case of "actual use" a specimen of use must be filed along with the trademark application. If the "foreign registration" filing basis applies, a scanned copy of the registration certificate in the country of origin must be provided, along with a translation into English if the original certificate is in another language.

9.How long does it take to register a trademark in China?

Generally, it takes about 12 months for a trademark to be registered.After you file an application with the authority they will begin to review it in about 3 months. Further, they will publish your mark in the Official Gazette to see if anyone in public challenges the mark or not. If no one challenges your mark within 30 days then your mark will get registered within 3 months.

10. 5 reasons to register your mark

1. Do not let anyone register your brand and start using it as their own. When they own the brand, they can even sue you!

2. Prevent others from damaging your hard won reputation. Make it easier for those who steal your trademark to be prosecuted.

3. Create a franchise and conquer foreign markets. Selling abroad is impossible without securing a trademark there first. Otherwise, it’s like leaving the door open for trouble.

4. Bring your business to a new level and make it more respectable. Owning an ® is a sign of success! What unites all Fortune 500 companies is that they all own a number of types of Intellectual Property. Trademarks are the very foundation of their success.

5. Protect your money from Patent trolls. There are a number of companies that want to steal your mark without any intention of using it and become a nuisance right when you think that things are going the right way.

11.Trademark advantages

1.You will get 10 years of protection.

2.There is no monthly or annual fee.

3.After 10 years, you do not have to go through the whole procedure once again. You just submit the request to renew the.

12.Why is trademark retrieval important?

Before spending your time and money filing an application, you should do a search to see if your mark is already in use or registered by someone else. A search will help avoid obvious duplications of pre-existing marks. If the USPTO rejects your application, the fees to Trademark Engine and the USPTO are not refundable. If your company is just beginning, it’s better to make name changes now rather than invest in building a brand only to learn that you have to change the name and lose all of your goodwill. All services include a free, federal direct-hit search. We also offer more comprehensive searches that will include wider searches on the federal, state, common law, and global levels. Enjoy a better peace of mind while your trademark application is pending with the USPTO.

Ready To Get
Your Trademark Registered?

For more trademark registration information, please click the button to contact our trademark experts, or send an email to: gj-timj@maihui.com or gj-lhm@maihui.com


Registration Services

Register your trademark name,logo or slogan so your competitors can’t profit off your creative ideas.

in the United States

Trademark Registration starts at $290 + government fee,One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application.

China Trademark

Trademark Registration starts at $190 + government fee,you can have 5 privileges in the package.

US trademarkPackage and Process

Handled by Experienced Trademark Attorneys,trademark registration is fast and simple

  • Basic Package
  • Standard Package
  • Deluxe Package

Basic Package

$290 USD +government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring

Standard Package

$480 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.

Deluxe Package

$598 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • A licensed U.S. attorney submits your federal trademark application
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • We will give priority to solving all your problems
  • Lawyers study, draft and file any legal arguments that may need to overcome major USPTO office litigation, and make appropriate office action response
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free

US trademark
registration process

It takes only 5 simple steps to register your trademark.

step 01

Submit a questionnaire to us, provide the trademark name that needs to be registered and the products you operate, and send it to our mailbox.

step 02

After receiving your email, we need 24-48 working hours to carry out accurate retrieval and query, and feedback the retrieval results.

step 03

We sign a cooperation agreement with you, and you pay the application fee.

step 04

We submit the application to USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), and then issue a serial number to you within 7 working days, authorizing you to use the trademark with the "TM" symbol.

step 05

The total time required for the USPTO to approve a trademark application is 10-12 months. Afterwards, you are issued a certificate of registration that allows you to use the mark with the "TM" symbol, showing that you have the most broadly protected registered mark in all 50 states.

China trademarkregistration package and process

The professional attorneys will submit your trademark application in China and go through all necessary formalities

  • Basic Package
  • Standard Package
  • Deluxe Package

Basic Package

$190 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring

Standard Package

$339 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free.

Deluxe Package

$479 USD+government fee

Start Trademark Registration
  • Trademark Search
  • Prepare materials required for trademark application
  • Professional Chinese lawyers apply for trademarks
  • One to one answer to your follow-up questions after trademark application
  • Permanent free for trademark warning status monitoring plan,trademark status update and opposition monitoring
  • If you think there is a problem with your first choice, you can do unlimited searches for free
  • A comprehensive trademark search guided by a attorney, an opinion drafted by a attorney and sent to you by e-mail about the success rate of your trademark.
  • If your first logo is rejected, we will register a different logo for you for free.
  • We will give priority to solving all your problems.
  • Trademark design.
  • If your first logo is rejected and you don't want to register a different logo again, you can choose to return 289 dollars

China trademark
registration process

It takes only 4 simple steps to register your trademark.

step 01

Search trademark database.

step 02

Information required for trademark application.

step 03

Pay the fee and submit the application.

step 04

Time Flow of Trademark Office Examination.

Trademark number within 3 days

15-30 days with receipt of acceptance

2-3 months to enter the preliminary examination announcement or rejected

Enter the 3-month publicity period

Registration Success Notice

E-cert within one month


If no one questions your trademark, we will complete the registration in 4-6 months. For more details please consult our email: gj-timj@maihui.com.

Other popular countries/

Effectively protect intellectual property rights and realize economic value

EU Trademark Registration

The registration is valid for 10 years and enjoys the common protection of 27 countries.

Start Trademark Registration

Madrid Trademark Registration

As of April 6, 2022, Madrid has 112 member states and can apply for protection in up to 128 countries

Start Trademark Registration

African Intellectual Property

The term of validity is 10 years, and the renewal term is 10 years. It enjoys the protection of 17 African member states.

Start Trademark Registration

Singapore Trademark

Global Bank, Southeast Asia Trade and Logistics Center

Start Trademark Registration

African Industrial Property Organization

The term of validity is 10 years, and the renewal term is 10 years. It enjoys the protection of 20 African member states.

Start Trademark Registration

Japanese trademark registration

Countries favored by daily chemical electronics and e-commerce sellers

Start Trademark Registration

Korean trademark registration

Daily chemical products and clothing products are popular.

Start Trademark Registration

German trademark registration

As one of the four largest economies in Europe, German products also enjoy a high reputation in the world.

Start Trademark Registration

UK Trademark Registration

In countries that once influenced the world, trademark registration is highly open and review is quick.

Start Trademark Registration

Our other businesses

A wide coverage of international service business, professional and reliable

International patent application

Filing agency of the Patent Office, fast handling, 1 on 1 service.

Contact us

International trademark transfer

Rich trademark resources in 233 countries/regions and 5 international alliances

Contact us

International copyright registration

Fast copyright declaration to prevent others from imitating works with malicious

Contact us

Overseas company registration

Support global company registration and learn about local policies and preferences

Contact us

VAT registration

One stop service for global VAT registration, quick registration.

Contact us

International grievance service

Professional team, focusing on handling various international grievance.

Contact us

1.What is a trademark and why do I need it?

A trademark protects specific, unique name, logo, and symbols pertaining to your products or business brand.

Trademark protection may apply to business names, symbols, logos, sounds, and even colors that are emblematic of one specific brand. Once registered, a registrant can typically start using the ® symbol after the name, logo or slogan.

When you register your trademark, you get strong nationwide protection, and the right to file a federal lawsuit against anyone who copies it.

2.Who can qualify for trademark registration?

Any person that claims to be a proprietor of a mark or is proposing to own the idea can apply for trademark registration. The application should clearly state the trademark, the services or goods, the address and name of the application and the period of use of the mark with a signature.

3.Why do I need to perform a trademark search?

Once you have a product or service and think you have a name for it, how do you know you can use it as your own? What happens if you unintentionally use a registered trademark name?

Too many people use a name without knowing whether or not they have the legal right to do so. They organize massive marketing campaigns with names they later find they’re not allowed to use. Performing a trademark search before deciding which trademark to register is a wise thing to do, especially when you consider future risks of litigation.

It is a good idea to carry out some research before starting to do business with a trademark. It may not be in your best interest to use a mark if another company is already actively conducting business in the same class. The other company may object to you using the trademark and legally prohibit you from doing so.

4.What is the time frame for the trademark registration approval?

The average time frame for the trademark registration approval in the U.S. is 6 to 10 months, if no objections or oppositions arise.

The USPTO will review your application within a few months, and then either send an Office action with questions or concerns, or approve your trademark for publication. If published and there are no objections by the public within 30 days, your mark is officially registered.

If you're not yet using your mark in commerce, it can take longer. After making it through the previous steps, the USPTO will grant a Notice of Allowance—which says they'll register your mark once you provide proof of use in commerce through a Statement of Use. Once that's submitted and approved, your mark is officially registered.

5.Is the trademark universal?

The trademark is not universal.

If only a Chinese trademark is registered, it can only enjoy the exclusive right of trademark in China. The registered trademark applied for at home cannot be used abroad, and the exclusive right of trademark registration has regional protection. Where a natural person, legal person or other organization, in the course of production and business operation, needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for its goods or services, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration. An application for registration of a malicious trademark not intended for use shall be rejected.

6.Can the trademark be changed after application?

It is possible to amend an application, but the process and the associated fees generally depend on the timing of the changes. Changes before the trademark has been published in the Official Gazette can be made by logging into your Trademark Engine account and requesting that a change be made. Additional fees to Trademark Engine and filing fees to the USPTO may apply.

Changes once the trademark has been published in the Official Gazette generally require a Post-Publication Amendment, which Trademark Engine can assist with.

Depending on the scope of the amendment, an applicant may need to file a new application instead. For example, amendments that broaden the scope of a description or add international categories may require additional fees and may require a new application. Clerical errors, on the other hand, are generally easy to fix and typically won’t affect the applicant’s place in line or require a new application.

7.What should I know before applying for a trademark in the United States?

Since the USPTO is a federal institution, a registered trademark in the USA grants protection in all 50 member states, as well as the American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico. However, a registered U.S. trademark does not prevent third parties from being able to register the trademark in Puerto Rico. For this reason, if you are planning of enforcing your trademark rights in that territory, it is advisable to also file a local application there.

As the USA is a member country of the Madrid system, trademark protection in this country can also be obtained by applying for an extension of a local trademark registered in another Madrid system member country, through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). A trademark registered or filed in the USA can also be used as a basis to request its extension to other jurisdictions in the system.

The USA is a "first-to-use" jurisdictions, which means that the rights to a trademark are granted to the person or entity that first uses it in the territory of the USA. While this leads some to question whether they have to register their trademark, it is still highly advisable as it grants presumption of ownership, and is also necessary in case legal actions for trademark infringement need to be undertaken.

Registered trademarks in the USA offer protection only for the trademark exactly as filed. Therefore, if your trademark contains both words and figurative elements, it is advisable to file separate applications for the wordmark on the one hand and the logo on the other hand, in order to achieve optimal protection.

In the USA, when filing a logo application is it necessary to decide whether or not to claim the colors of the trademark. While this does not affect the costs of registration, it has an impact on the scope of protection granted by the trademark registration.

8.What are the requirements for trademark registration in the United States?

In order to file a trademark application in the USA, in addition to the trademark name, logo, classes and owner details, it is necessary to choose a filing basis between actual use, intent to use, and foreign registration. The USPTO requires a trademark to be in use in the USA in order to register it, which is why choosing the filing basis for a US trademark is very important as it will affect the registration process.

The documentation to be provided depends on the filing basis; for "intent to use" no documentation will be required at the time of the application, while in the case of "actual use" a specimen of use must be filed along with the trademark application. If the "foreign registration" filing basis applies, a scanned copy of the registration certificate in the country of origin must be provided, along with a translation into English if the original certificate is in another language.

9.How long does it take to register a trademark in China?

Generally, it takes about 12 months for a trademark to be registered.After you file an application with the authority they will begin to review it in about 3 months. Further, they will publish your mark in the Official Gazette to see if anyone in public challenges the mark or not. If no one challenges your mark within 30 days then your mark will get registered within 3 months.

10. 5 reasons to register your mark

1. Do not let anyone register your brand and start using it as their own. When they own the brand, they can even sue you!

2. Prevent others from damaging your hard won reputation. Make it easier for those who steal your trademark to be prosecuted.

3. Create a franchise and conquer foreign markets. Selling abroad is impossible without securing a trademark there first. Otherwise, it’s like leaving the door open for trouble.

4. Bring your business to a new level and make it more respectable. Owning an ® is a sign of success! What unites all Fortune 500 companies is that they all own a number of types of Intellectual Property. Trademarks are the very foundation of their success.

5. Protect your money from Patent trolls. There are a number of companies that want to steal your mark without any intention of using it and become a nuisance right when you think that things are going the right way.

11.Trademark advantages

1.You will get 10 years of protection.

2.There is no monthly or annual fee.

3.After 10 years, you do not have to go through the whole procedure once again. You just submit the request to renew the.

12.Why is trademark retrieval important?

Before spending your time and money filing an application, you should do a search to see if your mark is already in use or registered by someone else. A search will help avoid obvious duplications of pre-existing marks. If the USPTO rejects your application, the fees to Trademark Engine and the USPTO are not refundable. If your company is just beginning, it’s better to make name changes now rather than invest in building a brand only to learn that you have to change the name and lose all of your goodwill. All services include a free, federal direct-hit search. We also offer more comprehensive searches that will include wider searches on the federal, state, common law, and global levels. Enjoy a better peace of mind while your trademark application is pending with the USPTO.

Ready To Get Your
Trademark Registered?

For more trademark registration information, please click the button to contact our trademark experts, or send an email to: gj-timj@maihui.com or gj-lhm@maihui.com